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Tween Events


Once a month, we have a day that’s just for the tweens! Come hang out with us for some miscellaneous fun! Please see EVENTS CALENDAR for dates and times.
For ages 9-12


Every month we’re offering a chance to dig into the library’s LEGO supplies at LEGO Lab! We’ll offer a monthly challenge, and it’s up to you how you decide to meet it. Please see EVENTS CALENDAR for dates and times. Fun for the whole family!


Fennville District Library
400 West Main Street
PO Box 1130
Fennville, MI 49408

P: 269-561-5050
F: 269-561-5251

The library will be CLOSING today, Wednesday, January 22nd at 5:00 PM. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

Mon - Thur: 10am - 8pm
Friday: 10am - 5pm
Saturday: 10am - 2pm
Sunday: 2 - 4pm

WiFi is available from
outside the building 24/7.
Look for fdlguest and log on.
No password required.

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