Worth noting!



On October 13th, 2021 the Michigan Library Association held its annual awards ceremony, broadcast live from their Facebook page. Among the 12 awards presented that evening was Public Librarian of the Year. According to the MLA nomination criteria, “The Public Librarian of the Year Award recognizes outstanding library professionals that inspire people, provide innovative library service to their community, promote collaboration among libraries, and show evidence of personal and professional achievement as well as initiative and creativity.”
The Fennville District Library found these standards met, above and beyond, in their Director, Teresa Kline. Teresa came to the Fennville District Library in December of 2013, and since then she has been at the head of many collaborative endeavors in our community. One of her most recognized achievements was writing and receiving a 3-year grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, providing the Fennville District Library with the resources to work with the Telamon Migrant Head Start Center in Pullman on a pilot program establishing literary services to our migrant population. One letter of support from the Pullman Telamon Center Director, Cherie Smalley, stated, “Teresa has worked at the Fennville District Library for eight years, and it amazes me how compassionate she continues to be when it comes to literacy and the communities that she serves.”
Most businesses have taken a hit in finances and funding since 2020 as a result of the COVID pandemic, and libraries are no exception. Because of this, Teresa submitted a grant to the American Library Association COVID Relief Fund. The Fennville District Library was one of 34 libraries to be awarded this grant, and the only one in Michigan. With this grant the library has added more hotspots, improved technology, and are building a core collection of Spanish materials. Not only did this help offset the financial stress caused by the pandemic, but it also demonstrated Teresa’s dedication to providing literacy programs, materials and technology to our rural community.
The Fennville District Library staff, board of directors, and patrons are very proud of the multiple improvements that Teresa has made for the library and community as her time as Director here. Being named MLA Public Librarian of the Year is a well-deserved honor.
Teresa Kline expresses her gratitude, “Thank you to the library staff and board for nominating me for this prestigious award, Thank you also to the patrons and organizations that sent letters to the Michigan Library Association on my behalf. It is an honor to work at the Fennville District Library.”
The MLA Awards Ceremony and Teresa’s acceptance speech can be viewed on their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MichiganLibraryAssociation.